Myanmar – Humanitarian Snapshot : November 2021

Myanmar – Humanitarian Snapshot : November 2021


Dhaka November 18 2021 :


Across Myanmar, 3 million people are currently targeted for life-saving humanitarian assistance and protection services.

This includes 1 million people previously identified in the original Humanitarian Response Plan and a further 2 million people identified since 1 February, according to OCHA report.

The humanitarian situation in the country is deteriorating due to armed clashes between the Myanmar Armed Forces (MAF) and local People’s Defence Forces (PDFs) and/or Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs), as well as between the EAOs across several states and regions.

More than 234,600 people are internally displaced due to clashes and insecurity since 1 February 2021 in Chin, Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Mon and Shan states, and in Magway, Sagaing and Tanintharyi regions. Some have also fled into neighbouring countries.

In addition, about 370,000 people remain displaced due to conflict before 2021.
